Calling all young farmers!
The Young Farmer Business Program (YFBP) is on a mission to arm young farmers with the tools they need to take their business to the next level. Enter the 2024 YFBP Conference, happening in Armidale, 16-17 May.
The farm life is a good one, there’s no denying it. But it can also be relentless, challenging and – let’s be honest – a tad lonely. That’s where the 2024 NSW Young Farmer Business Program Conference hopes to fill a much-needed gap for farmers seeking networking opportunities, access to new tools and ultimately some support from people in the same boat (or tractor… although not literally… we appreciate they all have their own tractors).
Designed to equip young farmers with the essential tools needed to take their businesses to the next level, the conference will cover proactive succession planning, leadership, planning and preparedness for agribusiness and maintaining good mental health. Throw in some innovative farm tours on day one and a stellar line up of speakers on day two and you’ve got yourself a winning combo.
Manager of the NSW Young Farmer Business Program, Vicki Priest, says the event offers important opportunities for young farmers across the state to connect.
“Networking is not just about adding contacts on social media or exchanging business cards, it’s about cultivating relationships that foster learning, mentorship and support,” says Vicki.
“The YFBP’s remit is to provide opportunities to support young farmers aged 18-40 to start up and grow successful farming businesses. How do we do that beyond the conference? Through online toolkits, workshops, and courses to help them gain the skills they need to run successful business, as well as providing podcasts, case studies and networking opportunities to inspire and connect young farmers with successful farm business operators.”
While it might be the largest networking event in the YFBP calendar, the core of the program is simple: helping young farmers embrace resilience, innovation, and sustainability. The ultimate goal? To see young farmers thrive.
“Supporting young people continuing their family farm business through succession planning, or starting their own farming business, not only benefits Australia in having sustainable food sources, but also helps keep people in regional communities through employment opportunities not just on farm, but in local businesses.”
The conference will also host an exhibition open not just to conference attendees but also the public, providing opportunities for farmers of all ages to discuss the needs of their business with representatives from NSW DPI, Local Land Services, banks, Safe Work NSW, insurance companies, financial advisors, and farm innovation.
Keen to know more?
Check out the YFBP website here. Meanwhile, here’s a snapshot of the agenda…
Day one:
Six sustainable, manageable, accessible, rural technologies (SMART) farm tours focusing on a variety of enterprises – courtesy of YFBP’s educational partner the University of New England.
Networking dinner.
Fireside chat with Nedd Brockmann and Jodi Lee.
Live music and dancing!
Day two:
Breakfast with NSW Farmers.
Young Farmer Panel Discussion – featuring Grace Collins (RAS Rural Achiever Award 2024), Mitch Highett (Bullseye Ag – Farm Management Solutions), Emma Clifton (Young Farmer Business Program) and Jack Cresswell (Farms Advice Podcast / Annalara White Dorpers).
Succession Planning with Jess Cavanagh – ProAgtive.
Leadership in Agriculture with Troy Setter – Consolidated Pastoral Company.
Keynote Speaker time – Grace Brennan – Buy from the Bush.
The list goes on…
… and it sounds amazing. But here’s the thing, tickets are selling fast. So we strongly suggest you hop across to the YFBP website to snap up your seat pronto.